Student Life
Elementary Students
California Online Public Schools for elementary students offer a dynamic educational experience designed to equip young learners with the skills they need to succeed while providing the flexibility that families desire.
Middle School
See what a typical day is like for California Online Public Schools middle school students and how our online public school gives them the supportive environment they need to learn their best.
High School
California Online Public Schools is committed to cultivating independent high school learners to lay the foundations for a brighter future. We empower students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success, and foster the growth of self-motivated, critical thinkers.
Special Education
California Online Public Schools enrolls students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). After enrollment, our school will hold an Interim IEP meeting to review the student’s previous IEP and determine appropriate placement in a parent-led Independent Study program.
State Testing
As a public charter school, we are required to participate in in-person state assessments. If your students are in grades 3 through 8 and/or 11, please plan to attend testing during the end of April and the month of May. Students in grades 5, 7 and 9 should plan to take part in in-person physical fitness testing (typically) in February.
Educación de calidad para el éxito
Explore nuestras acreditaciones escolares y conozca a nuestro equipo profesional de educadores equipados para ayudar a su estudiante a desarrollar las habilidades que necesita para tener éxito.