Plan de estudios diseñado para el aprendizaje en línea
Diseñadas por expertos en aprendizaje en línea, nuestras clases despiertan la curiosidad y amplían la comprensión de nuestros alumnos sobre el mundo y su lugar en él. Desde el aprendizaje de conceptos básicos hasta la utilización de sus nuevos conocimientos para alimentar su creatividad, nuestros alumnos adquieren las destrezas esenciales y la capacidad de adaptación que necesitan para llegar más lejos en las aulas y dondequiera que les lleve la vida. Nuestro plan de estudios de secundaria en California incluye cursos generales, cursos optativos innovadores y, por supuesto, cursos de salud en línea y educación física en línea para secundaria.

Our Elementary Math Courses are focused on mastery, which is achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts. Some of the key features of the approach include the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and mental math. Instead of pushing through rote memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons. An attitude that math is important and approachable is also essential. Students perform at a higher level when their potential for understanding and success is assumed. Our Elementary Math Courses not only help students become more successful problem solvers, it helps them gain a sense of confidence and resourcefulness because it insists on conceptual depth. This naturally prepares students to excel in more advanced math
The framework of our Elementary Language Arts Courses reflects a comprehensive view of current and confirmed research into how children learn to read. Scientific evidence from a spectrum of academic disciplines has informed the foundation of our courses, as has the priority we place on integrated instruction and success for all learners. Students build knowledge over time through vertically and standards aligned units informed by the latest research into the science of reading, and that require learners to engage deeply with a topic. Knowledge-based social studies, science, and literary topics expand both general and academic vocabulary in support of reading, writing, and constructive conversation. A clearly defined K–5 progression facilitates efficient mastery and transfer. Students put learning into practice immediately, with 4-6 weeks of formal review for newly introduced skills. Our courses ensure language and literacy development of English Learners through language objectives, differentiated point-of-use scaffolding, and high expectations. Intervention lessons provide targeted instruction around discrete skills. Formative and summative assessments provide valuable data for instructional next steps.
With the latest features of our Elementary Science Courses, scientific discovery lies just beyond the horizon. Our courses capture student curiosity with a diverse selection of print and digital tools, including simulations, games, videos, project-based investigations, and more. Grounded in powerful phenomena, our Elementary Science Courses piques students’ curiosity through inquiry-based activities. As students launch investigations into their world of science, the program calls on them to collect evidence to support their claims and apply three-dimensional thinking to their learning. Our courses push the limits on science learning with digital resources for students and teachers. As students interact with a variety of engaging digital content—videos, virtual labs, games, simulations, and more.
Our Elementary School Social Studies Courses encompass a comprehensive curriculum that encourages students to become engaged and responsible citizens who think critically and make informed decisions. Our courses model skills of inquiry, through integrated discussions, lesson plans, and activities where students evaluate evidence, formulate questions, make conclusions, and take action.
In addition to the subject areas listed, California Online Public Schools offers a variety of other options. We are able to deliver high quality Physical Education in an online environment.