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Enrollment is Now Open for 2025–2026

We’re so glad you have decided to submit an application to enroll with California Online Public Schools for the 2025-2026 school year!

Click Apply for 2025-2026 to begin your journey, or scroll down to learn more about the enrollment process and get all the details you need.

Open Enrollment Period

February 3 – Mar 3, 2025

California Online Public School is now accepting Enrollment Interest Forms for the 2025-2026 school year! On March 4, the school will review the submitted forms to determine if a lottery is needed for any grade levels. Once your student’s eligibility has been confirmed and it is determined that there is space available, invitations to our registration platform will be emailed to complete enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year. Please return to this page after March 3 for additional information about the enrollment process for the upcoming school year.

Were you interested in having your student enroll immediately to finish out the 2024-2025 school year? You can begin the registration process now by following the steps outlined on the 2024-2025 school year enrollment page here.

Step 1 - Understanding Your Commitment

When you enroll with California Online Public Schools, we will empower your student to create a schedule that works for them—and your family. Discover what your student’s daily life at California Online Public Schools will look like, along with parent role expectations, by clicking on one of the school levels below.

If you have questions about your student’s IEP or 504 Plan, please reach out to our Special Education Department here.

Step 2 - Check Your Students' Eligibility

  • Transitional Kindergarten: Any student enrolling in transitional kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or between September 2, 2024 through June 2, 2025 to enroll in the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Kindergarten: Any student enrolling in kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which you are enrolling.
  • First Grade: Any student enrolling in first grade must be six (6) years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which you are enrolling.
  • Maximum Age: Any student who turns nineteen (19) years old on or before the first day of school and has a break in public school enrollment will not be eligible to enroll in California Online Public Schools. The maximum age for general education students with continuous enrollment is twenty (20) years old. The maximum age for special education students with continuous enrollment is twenty-two (22) years old.

California Online Public Schools is only available to students in the following regions within California: 

Central: Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, and Tulare counties

Central Coast: San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties

Monterey Bay: Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties

North Bay: Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma, and Yolo counties

Northern California: Alameda, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties

Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties

In California, student eligibility requirements are determined by the state, which regulates all public schools including California Online Public Schools.

California Online Public Schools are open to all students who meet the state’s age and geographic restrictions for virtual charter schools. You will be asked to provide your student’s date of birth and physical address on the Enrollment Interest Form so that school staff can confirm your student’s eligibility to attend California Online Public Schools.

Step 3 - Learn About the Interest Form

This video was created by our staff to help walk you through submitting the Enrollment Interest Form.

English Video:

Spanish Video:

If you would like to review the Enrollment Interest Form in a language other than English, please click the Select Language drop down in the upper right corner of the form to select the language of your preference and translate the form in its entirety.

Step 4 - Submit Your Interest Form

To get started, click on “Apply for 2025-2026” for the region where you and your student(s) currently reside. Were you interested in having your student enroll immediately to finish out the 2024-2025 school year? You can begin the registration process now by following the steps outlined on the 2024-2025 school year enrollment page here.

Important: you will need an email address and regular access to an Internet-connected computer as our team will send regular updates via email throughout the enrollment process. 

Get Started
Southern California
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties
Central Valley
Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, and Tulare Counties
Central Coast
Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura Counties
Monterey Bay
Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties
Northern California
Alameda, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus Counties
North Bay
Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma, and Yolo Counties

Have Questions About Enrollment?

You can schedule a call with one of our enrollment coordinators who will be happy to help with any of your questions about the enrollment process. 

What Happens After the Open Enrollment Period Ends?

Accept Your Enrollment Invitation

After your student’s eligibility is confirmed and it has been determined that there is an attendance space available for your student, the school will email you an invitation to the California Online Public Schools’ registration platform, REG-Online. The email will include a direct link allowing you to set a password for your enrollment account, and once logged in, you will be able to submit the required information and documentation to complete enrollment for your student. 

Preparing Your Documents

After the enrollment form has been started, eligibility information and documents are collected. We do not require receipt of student records prior to acceptance into our school. The documents for the various parts of the process are listed in more detail below.

A copy of one of the following documents must be provided for every student to verify age eligibility:

  • Official birth certificate
  • Passport (U.S. and other countries)
  • Certificate of live birth
  • Military ID or Driver’s License
  • Adoption record
  • Tribal affiliation card
  • Green card
  • Custody documentation
  • Medical records
  • School records from previous school


Not Sure Where to Get That?

If you need a copy of your child’s birth certificate, you can order it online through the California Department of Public Health. Please visit the California Department of Public Health(opens in a new tab) website for more information.

If your child was born in another state, please visit the CDC’s Where to Write for Vital Records webpage for more information. When using this tool, please remember to follow the CDC’s Application Guidelines.

Need a replacement Green Card (Permanent Resident Card)? Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website(opens in a new tab).

Have questions about your U.S. passport? Visit the U.S. Department of State FAQs page.

As a reminder, the age eligibility is as follows:

  • Transitional Kindergarten: Any student enrolling in transitional kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or between September 2, 2024 through June 2, 2025 to enroll in the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Kindergarten: Any student enrolling in kindergarten must be five (5) years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which you are enrolling.
  • First Grade: Any student enrolling in first grade must be six (6) years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which you are enrolling.
  • Maximum Age: Any student who turns nineteen (19) years old on or before the first day of school and has a break in public school enrollment will not be eligible to enroll in California Online Public Schools. The maximum age for general education students with continuous enrollment is twenty (20) years old. The maximum age for special education students with continuous enrollment is twenty-two (22) years old.

According to the California Department of Education Residency Guidelines, you must reside in one of the following California counties to enroll in one of the California Online Public Schools: Alameda, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Fresno, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Los Angeles, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, Sonoma, Tulare, Ventura or Yolo.

You must provide ONE acceptable proof of residency to be eligible for enrollment in California Online Public Schools. There are many verifiable forms of documentation, which are detailed below:

Not Sure What is Accepted as Proof?

  • A residential utility bill
    • Acceptable Documents Include: gas, electric, water, sewage, cable, internet, or trash bill from the last 90 days, in the resident’s name and address
  • Mortgage statement from the last 90 days or current annual lease agreement
  • Property tax statement
  • Current voter registration card
  • Payroll stub from the last 90 days
  • Letter from a government agency from the last 90 days


If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the enrollment team at [email protected] to discuss acceptable alternatives.

Immunizations are not required to enroll in the school because the California Online Public Schools program meets California’s criteria of an independent study program.

With this said, California Online Public Schools are still required to report to the state on immunizations. Therefore immunization records should still be submitted for students upon enrollment, and resubmitted upon entry into seventh grade. If the records indicate that the student has not received all the state required immunizations, the student will still be allowed to enroll.

Documentation of every received shot will assist California Online Public Schools staff in notifying families with unvaccinated students of exclusion from in-person activities in the event of a disease outbreak that may impact their student(s).

Families will be able to submit immunization records and/or exemptions once they begin the enrollment process.

  • Immunization booklet
  • Official school record
  • Healthcare provider or Health Department printout
  • California Online Public Schools Immunization form (found in the Enrollment Portal)

This form may require both the parent/guardian and health care provider signature.

 State Required Immunization

Follow these links to learn more:

Shots for Schools 

Health and Safety Code Section 120325–120380 

California immunization registry

Where Can I Get Immunizations for My Student?

Immunizations can be obtained from doctor’s offices, clinics, or hospitals. Pediatricians and family doctors or their nurses or medical assistants can give your student the shots they need to meet the requirements for school enrollment. In addition, some large chain pharmacies offer immunizations for older children and adults.

What if I Need Assistance Paying for Vaccines?

By law, California managed-care organizations (such as Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross) must cover recommended immunizations for children. Your health plan may charge a co-payment for the shot visit. Check with your health plan or your doctor’s office about any fees.

If you don’t have health insurance, you may be able to get free immunizations through one of these programs:

  • Healthy Families Children enrolled in California’s Healthy Families plan receive free immunizations with no copayment.
  • Medi-Cal.Medi-Cal covers preventive care services for eligible low-income children and adults. Contact your local County Social Services for more information.
  • Vaccines for Children.Many private-practice California doctors participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, which gives free vaccine to eligible children up to age 18. Ask your child’s doctor if his or her office offers VFC shots.
  • CHDP. Children eligible for California’s Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program may also be eligible for free or low-cost shots.

According to the California Department of Education, California state law requires that each student/child’s family provide, within 90 days of entrance into the first grade, a certificate documenting that the child has received a health checkup within the previous 18 months. Please complete the form below to fulfill this state requirement.


What If I Can’t Afford a Health Examination for My Student?

Some children may be eligible for a state-paid examination. Referrals to doctors and clinics are provided on request by the Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program coordinator of the local health department. Children through age 18 may receive a free checkup funded by CHDP if their families meet specific income guidelines. Most county health departments have a CHDP coordinator who can advise parents regarding eligibility.

To find out more about Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) services or the application process, please contact your county CHDP office, which can be found on the “County Offices” page of the California Department of Health Care Services website. For more information on the CHDP, including a program overview and health check-up information, please view the CHDP Description of Services brochure.

All students who have previously attended public school, private school, or homeschool are eligible to enroll and will be requested to submit academic records for placement.

For students enrolling for grades K–9: Please submit a copy of the report card from the most recent school year.

The following items should be included on the report card:

  • Student Name
  • Grade Level
  • School Year (example: 2023-2024)
  • School Name
  • Grading Scale (example: 90–100%=A)
  • Unofficial Transcript

For students enrolling for grades 10–12: Submit an unofficial transcript that includes the complete end-of-year grades from the prior school year(s) and any academic documentation (such as a progress report/interim report, class schedule, or marking period/semester report card) issued for the current school year. Additional documentation may be requested for placement.

The following items should be included on the unofficial transcript:

  • Student Name
  • Grade Level
  • School Year (example: 2023–2024)
  • School Name
  • Grading Scale (example: 90–100%=A)
  • Credits Earned


Not Sure How to Get Your Child’s Report Card or Transcript?

Contact your student’s previous school and request the document, providing them with the information outlined above, OR contact your school’s district office with the request.

Have Your Child(ren) Been Formerly Homeschooled?

If you have information about the courses your child has completed, please note there will be opportunities to submit these during the enrollment process. School staff may reach out to you to gather additional information once your child is enrolled.

You may need to provide additional documentation if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • Custody order: If your legal guardianship is determined by a court order, please submit a copy of the order.
  • Gifted documentation: California Online Public Schools offers Gifted and Talented programs in grades 3-8 provided proper documentation is provided. Without these records, standard grade level course placement will be assigned.

Special Education and 504 Support

JJ Kelm

Assistant Director, Student Services

High School (Grades 9-10)

Email: [email protected]   

Phone: 760-354-9104

Karley Stilson

Assistant Director, Student Services

Elementary (Grades K-5)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 661-238-3116

Ashley Maldonado

Assistant Director, Student Services

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 949-229-5907

Mackenzie Duran

Assistant Director, Student Services

High School (Grades 11-12)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 949-873-4312

Phil Wenker

Director of Student Services

Email: [email protected] 

Frequently Asked Questions

The Open Enrollment Period runs for 30 days, after which all submissions will be reviewed to confirm that the students are eligible for the California Online Public Schools program, and to confirm that there is space available. Per the Board of Directors, California Online Public Schools has an enrollment limit of 10,000 students. If the amount of applications exceeds the space available for the school, a lottery will be held.

Per the Board of Directors, California Online Public Schools has an enrollment limit of 10,000 students. If capacity is met, a lottery will be held after the Open Enrollment Period ends. All eligible applicants will be entered into the lottery for their grade band, and will be either awarded a space with the school and released to immediately continue with the enrollment process, or will be placed on a waiting list and released to enroll once space becomes available.


Per the Board of Directors, California Online Public Schools has an enrollment limit of 10,000 students. The Open Enrollment Period is needed to determine if the school has received more applications than there is space available. If capacity is met, a lottery will be held. New students are still welcome to begin enrollment after the Open Enrollment Period ends, but will be placed on a secondary waiting list and released to enroll once space becomes available.


We're Here to Help

If you have any concerns or questions about how to enroll, our enrollment team is here to help.

Please call 800-906-5166 or email at [email protected].

California Online Public Schools admits students and conducts all educational programs, activities, and employment practices without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, disability, or any other legally protected classification.

Per the Board of Directors, California Online Public Schools has an enrollment limit of 10,000 students. Once capacity is met, students who complete all tasks will be placed on a waiting list and released to enroll based on the completion of tasks.